SomersetGolf Union
It is regret that this years dinner has been cancelled. Our thanks to Saltford Golf Club who were due to host the event.
This years Annual Presentation Dinner due to be held at Saltford Golf Club Thursday 12th November.
Planning and preperation is now on hold and the feasIbility of holding a Presentation Dinner is currently under review.
The SGU and Saltford Golf Club Management will address matters once Covid-19 timescales are better understood and social distanceing is lifted.
From left - right
Jed Stone (Guest speaker) Mike Evans ( President Glamorgan) Richard Pascoe (President Devon) Geoff Ogden (President Somerset) Eddie Galaard (President Dorset) Alan Robinson (President Gloucester) Steve Butterfield (President SWCGA)
The dinner took place on Thursday 7th November 2019 with guests arriving from 6.30pm.
Fifteen of the Counties 30 Clubs were represented with guests totalling 136. The evening benefited from a superb dinner and excellent service laid on by Steve and his professional team at Oake Manor GC.
Our County 1st team Captain James Ward excelled during his address to those assembled and gave a brief historical background covering the 1907 formation of the Union before introducing to his audience Tom Plumb and Tom Sloman the Counties first ever Walker Cup representatives.
The end of year trophy presentation saw individual winners and club representatives from all over the County come forward to collect as County President Geoff Ogden performed the honours.
South Western Counties Golf Association (SWCGA) team and individual champions where also honoured following a season which saw Somerset win team and individual at under 14, team at under 16, individual at under 18 and 1st team qualification for the 2019 National finals.
The evening was rounded off by our guest speaker Jed Stone a premier league comedian from Liverpool who entertained all
Next years Dinner is planned to take place at Saltford Golf Club on Thursday 12th November