SomersetGolf Union
CRICKET St THOMAS will be one of the eight courses played, our thanks to the club and its members for supporting this fund-raising Golf Marathon.
Please feel free to promote this at your club and with your members.
The Somerset Golf Union fully support the cause and the 8 golfers who take on the challenge.
To introduce myself first, my name is Ian Booth and I’m writing to you as I NEED YOUR HELP, PLEASE, over the coming months.
I have been a proud member of Pyle & Kenfig Golf Club for 50 years and a Channel League player at men’s and senior level for both Glamorgan and Devon. The reason for mentioning this upfront, will become clear.
In 2022, just before I became Captain of Pyle and Kenfig Golf Club in its centenary year, I became one of the 1 in 8 men diagnosed annually in the UK with early prostate cancer.
I had no symptoms, but the cancer was picked up early due to an abnormal PSA blood test. I am one of the lucky ones. I recovered quickly after surgery and with the support of the NHS and the Prostate Cymru Charity, I returned to my golf within 3 months.
My Captains year of 2022 at P&K, gave me the platform to raise awareness of this common cancer and I’m extremely proud to say that we also raised a much needed £32,000 for Prostate Cymru to continue their campaigns.
Sadly, In 2025 another 55,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the UK and by 2035 the figure is expected to be 84,000. So please HELP ME make more men aware of prostate cancer – so that we can catch the disease early, when it’s not causing symptoms and is potentially very curable.
So, moving on to what I’m doing next. Please help me with our challenge – the 24-hour Channel Golf Challenge on 19th June 2025, inspired by my involvement in the Channel League.
We aim to help the 1 in 8; 8 golfers will play 8 courses in 8 counties in 24 hours from Cornwall to Glamorgan.
My Consultant Urologist and the founder Chairman of Prostate Cymru, Mr Andy Thomas, myself and 6 other golfers have accepted the tough challenge of playing 9 holes on every course within 24 hours. We will start at China Fleet in Cornwall as dawn breaks, working our way back to Glamorgan, where we think we can finish just before darkness sets in at P&K. Below is a copy of our planned itinerary. Each of the courses have been fantastic in their co-operation and we are all set to go.
We have gone live on our Prostate Cymru website and social media platforms. Our Just Giving page is set up and ready to accept donations towards our financial goal of £36,000, which represents £500 for every hole played. The link to our Just Giving page I’ve added here:
Over the coming 6 months, there will be regular social media updates of the event. We also will be filming the event and our preparations with the help of Dan Hendriksen and he will be featuring this on his popular YouTube channel.
Finally, we are in the process of producing a unique scorecard for the event. This will include details of all eight courses and counties and of course our sponsors. It will be available as a hard copy and in e format.
In closing, thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I hope your county is willing to support us. If you have any questions or observations, please don’t hesitate to get back in touch with me directly. I will be delighted to hear from you.
“To help the 1 in 8; 8 will do 8 in 8 in 24 hours’