SomersetGolf Union
This competition is open to clubs affiliated to The Somerset Golf Union
He must be of Amateur Status as defined by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews
He must be a member of an Affiliated Club in the County Union or must have been born in the County and be a member of an Affiliated Club in another County.
He shall not have competed in the Championship of another County or played in a team representing another County during the previous twelve months unless specifically approved by the Somerset Golf Union Executive Committee and that the player and County have received the written authority of the County for whom the player last played.
If a player is a member of more than one SGU affiliated club, he may only represent one SGU club in County Championships and or County Inter-Club Knockouts during any calendar year (1st January - 31st December) Having represented one SGU club during the calendar year the player cannot represent any other SGU club during the same calendar year.
Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a stipulated round unless authorised by the Competitions Committee.
Note i: See also the SGU Golf's
Transportation Policy which includes provisions for people with disabilities.
The current general conditions (Rule 20) relating to Somerset Golf Union Championships and tournaments will apply to all competitions. Copies of these rules are also available at affiliated clubs.
The Competition shall be played by Singles match play over 18 holes
Each Club Team shall consist of 5 players
This is an inter club scratch knock out competition
The Team captains shall declare and exchange the names of their teams in the order in which they will play, at least 10 minutes before the start of the match. This exchange will complete the draw and no changes are permitted to the order except in the case of '6' below
Games must tee off in the order declared, and all games must be played from the white tee markers
In the interests of fairness, a game that cannot start in its declared order due to some exceptional circumstances, may be put back to the end of the field. If this situation should occur, and that player is still not available and ready to play within 5 minutes after the other four games have teed off, that game will be forfeit. No replacement of players will be allowed after the Captains have made the exchanges as in condition 5 (above)
All games must be played to a result. In the event of a tie after 18 holes then the game concerned must continue on a sudden death basis until a result is achieved. (If the overall match result is already decided then this will not be necessary)
In the event that no result has been achieved and the match has had to be abandoned because Play has been suspended by The Home Club Committee, or persons responsible in that capacity, another date must be arranged. In this event any previous individual results will not count and the match must begin again. It will not be compulsory in these circumstances for a Club to field the same teams as in the abandoned match
Matches will be played home or away for the early rounds and neutral venues, semi-finals & finals amongst the competing clubs. Entry to this competition by clubs is not automatic, every club has the opportunity to enter via the SGU County Secretary.
It is the responsibility of the first named team to arrange the fixture, and to confirm details with the host club
Each round must be played on or by the stipulated date. Failure to do so may result in the elimination from the competition of both clubs
The result of each round must be communicated to the Somerset Golf Union as soon as possible after the conclusion of the match. Contact details are shown below
The Pickeridge Bowl will be presented by The President, or Executive Member of the Somerset Golf Union at the conclusion of the Final, and represented at the Annual Dinner of the Somerset Golf Union, at which the winning team or their representative is expected to be present.
For all enquiries contact:
Rob Davis Secretary Somerset Golf Union on 07476 319281
email: secretary @somersetgolfunion.co.uk